Oklahoma City Plumber

Oklahoma City Plumber

When you can’t find an Oklahoma city Plumber or Plumber in Oklahoma City. It’s the most helpless and annoying feeling when your kitchen is not working as it is supposed to. Clogged drainage is a nuisance and the worst thing to deal with. The counter full of dirty dishes and the water backing-up is not less than a nightmare for homeowners. There are many ways to fix clogged kitchen sinks that you will see in this article.

Causes of Clogged Kitchen Sinks

Many things can block your kitchen drainage. Some of these things might go down the sink accidentally while washing dishes. The most common causes of clogged kitchen sinks are:

  • Food is the primary cause of kitchen sink clogs. The food particles go down the pipes while washing dishes and start gathering there in the pipe system of the sink. These clogs trap other food particles, causing complete blockage of the drainage system of the sink.
  • Chunks and peels of vegetables and fruits are the second major cause of clog formation in the pipes of the sink.
  • Food oil, grease, and fats accumulate down the pipes forming large clogs.
  • Other things include eggshells, coffee grinds, and other trash.

Fixing Clogged Kitchen Sink

There are a lot of methods that you can use for fixing the clogged kitchen sinks without needing to rush to the plumbers.

Boiling Water

A very convenient and inexpensive way to try first is using boiling water to unclog blocked pipes. Take some water and heat it until boiling. Ensure that the water is boiling enough to dissolve all the oil, fats, and organic material down the sink pipes. Pour down the water slowly down the sink with gaps.

Don’t use boiling water to remove clogs if you have PVC pipes installed because hot water may loosen the joints and cause further problems. Repeat the whole process many times until the water runs down smoothly without any hurdle.

Plumber in Oklahoma City

Try a little Baking Soda and Vinegar first

First of all, remove standing water from the sink using a cup or glass and clear the sink thoroughly. Take a cup of baking soda and pour it into the sink. Take the same or more amount of vinegar and pour it into the sink too. Cover the sink with a stopper and wait for 15 to 20 minutes. Baking soda and vinegar will bubble out into the sink dissolving the clogs.

Remove the stopper and let hot water run down. If it’s running down smoothly, then congratulations, your job is done. If not, then repeat the process several times.

Disposal of Debris

If your sink is not working well, check first if there is any garbage stuck in your sink. Garbage disposal is one of the common causes of clogs. Always try to dispose of your waste in the dustbins and trash cans because even a little garbage can block your sinks.

Whenever your sink drainage is not running correctly, check if there is any garbage stuck in the pipes.

Caustic Soda

You can get caustic soda from your local hardware stores. Caustic soda, commonly known as sodium hydroxide, is dangerous to deal with, so always wear your safety gloves while handling it. Get some water in your mop bucket. Add 2 to 3 cups of caustic soda to it.

Caustic soda will react with the water and form effervescence along with heating the surrounding. Pour this water into your blocked drains and leave for almost half an hour. Run down the boiling water after half an hour and check if the blockage has been removed. Repeat the process if necessary.

Cleaning the Pipe

The easiest plumbing job is cleaning the pipes yourself. You will need a plumbing wrench and a bucket to clean the lines. Place the bucket under the U-trap pipe so that it will collect the spilling water. Try to lose the nuts with the help of a wrench and remove the trap. Turn the trap upside down into the bucket to get rid of any debris present in the pipes.

If the debris is large enough, you can use any old toothbrush to get it out. Rinse the pipe and assemble it again.


Dish Detergent

Dish detergent is available in everyone’s kitchen and is the first line procedure of removing clogs. Pour a cup of dish detergent into your sink. Boil some water in a kettle and pour it afterward into the sink slowly. The dish detergent is very helpful in removing clogs formed from oil, fats, and grease as it acts as a lubricant for breaking up the greasy clogs.

Baking Soda and Salt

The combination of baking soda and salt is best for removing some of the nastiest clogs in your kitchen sinks. Take the same quantity of both baking soda and salt in a bowl and pour it down the sink. Leave it for 10 to 20 minutes. Pour the boiling water in the sink too. It will help to break up the clogs in your kitchen sink.

Coat Hanger

Coat hangers are almost available in every household. You can use them to remove kitchen sink clogs. Straighten the coat hanger as far as you can—bend one end of the coat hanger wire, forming a hook.

Remove the cover from the sink and start fishing. Remove out every junk from the pipes until water runs down quickly. Repeat the process several times to eradicate stubborn clogs completely.


The P-trap is usually present inside a cabinet under the sink. Debris and clogs are formed in this area because of the shape of this P-trap. It traps debris and other food chunks until it blocks the drainage completely. Unfasten the P-trap and remove the clogs in a bucket nearby. Rinse the P-trap with hot water and fix it again.


The most common way of removing any kind of clogs is plunging. Seal your sink entirely so that the plunger head gets completely sink in the water. Keep the plunger over the drain and start plunging vigorously. When you hear the sound that suction has cleared the clog, remove the plunger and run down the boiling water. Repeat the process several times if necessary.

Final Thoughts

Of course, it’s always convenient to avoid kitchen clogs in the first place. Avoid disposing garbage, food chunks, and greasy particles into your kitchen sinks. Maintain all the plumbing systems of your homes to run everything smoothly. If you are having issues with frozen water lines we have some great info.

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